
Community Participant
Apr 27, 2015 6:41:32 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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My top three are: 1. RCE in all question building areas, along with answer selection building. This includes multiple fill-in the blanks, multiple answer and essay questions. 2. Correct Scoring - whic...
Likes: 9
Here is a quick video describing how one can embed a Google Slide presentation, starting at a specific slide:Embed Google Slides Starting at a Specific Slide - YouTube
Likes: 7
This thread contains many good ideas and resources for the marriage of Canvas and Google Docs.
Likes: 6
Embedding of a google doc takes care of this problem. When the google doc is updated, all places in Canvas where the document is embedded will also be updated at the same time.
Likes: 5
For those who want to just simply add some buttons using html on a page - use this google sheet template I created to quickly create the html code for pasting into your page. Buttons for Canvas - Goog...
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Most Recent Posts

If this were possible, it would be welcomed addition - especially for those of us teaching math. Finding a mistake, learning from it and then correcting it is a great learning experience. 
Apr 22, 2023 09:35 AM
My top three are: 1. RCE in all question building areas, along with answer selection building. This includes multiple fill-in the blanks, multiple answer and essay questions. 2. Correct Scoring - whic...
Dec 01, 2021 12:56 PM
Is no one posting to this Idea Conversation, because we don't see any progress in this area? So many other bells and whistles are being added - but this basic functionality is being left behind. P...
Nov 10, 2021 19:56 PM
I am tired of waiting for some movement on this issue. All teachers know this is a no-brainer. Please find someone to fix this. It worked in the classic quizzes - why take it away.
Nov 10, 2021 19:48 PM
We are starting a new school year, Canvas says the classic quizzes is on the way out - and still there is no answer to this problem or any indication that it is even being considered.  I have loved Ca...
Aug 25, 2021 20:05 PM

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