
Ted Coopman
Community Novice
Apr 27, 2015 4:17:25 PM
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Ted M. Coopman (Ph.D. University of Washington) is a lecturer in the Department of Communication Studies as well as a Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Communication, University of Louisville, Kentucky. He developed university wide programs to train faculty on Canvas and served as a Faculty Consultant for Academic Technology at San José State University from 2012 to 2015. Ted attended his first Instructurecon in 2012 and presented in 2014 and 2015. His research and on free radio, media-based collective action, activist's use of technology, and media theory is informed by his own experiences as an activist. Dr. Coopman’s research has appeared in Critical Studies in Media Communication, First Monday, New Media and Society, the Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, the Journal of Radio Studies, the American Communication Journal, 2nd Internet Research Annual, and Political Communication as well as in the edited volumes Representing Resistance: Media, Civil Disobedience, and the Global Justice Movement (Greenwood), and the award winning Communication Activism, Vol. 2 (Hampton Press). He has presented his research internationally, earning five top paper awards. Dr. Coopman has taught eighteen different courses in traditional, online and hybrid formats.

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Okay, I promised Jordan I would try and spend time in community spaces, so even though I am a bit wiped out, here goes:First, lots of comparisons with past instructurecons. Things change, Canvas grows...
Likes: 33
Hi Tracey,Using the Sundial tent for some sessions with partitions sound like a great idea. I hope they tracked attendance in sessions so they can judge popular session topics. I found gamification, b...
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Hi Kona,Shoot! Somehow I completely missed hearing anything about the unconference, it sounded awesome. Guess it was a combination of teaching my summer class and crashing my bike. Jordan was right, I...
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Big yes on the the Q&A convo right after the keynotes, would have really liked to have a chance for a conversation with a smaller group of people who were into it. Great Idea Chris!-TED
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All,Deactivated user​ chided me for not sharing this idea/resource so I am trying to be a good monkey (panda?) and share! So here is my now archived training and resource aggregation Canvas site I cre...
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Hi,The more platforms you use the more complex and costly it gets. You can use groups within an existing shell, but may be less complex/confusing juts to create more shells. Seriously, it takes tech p...
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Hi Carley,We use Canvas as a homeroom style hub for my department and connect it up with social media and have students run it like a start-up so it does triple duty as an information source, communit...
Jul 02, 2015 12:17 PM
Of course the central issue here is....-TED
Jun 30, 2015 18:08 PM
yes! this would make my life much easier!-TED
Jun 28, 2015 13:29 PM
I agree. I walked in to a regular meeting room, it looked like nothing was going on, walk back to the help desk, and they directed me back. Some staff were hanging out working on their laptops. I intr...
Jun 26, 2015 14:55 PM

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