
Adam King
Community Novice
Apr 28, 2015 12:38:03 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Thanks Erin for this information and looking into it. The screenshots you posted do show an improvement with this change for very small screens, but I fear that this may be at the expense of other use...
Likes: 6
Hi Amanda, one workaround that I use to get an originality report is that I create a TurnItIn assignment in a sandbox course (a place where I test things in Canvas). Then, I submit the paper using one...
Likes: 2
Thanks Dallas and great video! I'll definitely look into that quick submit option and running the group papers through TII that way!
Likes: 2
I am noticing this too in our courses even on modules without requirements, all of the items are now severely truncated. This is in multiple browsers on very wide screens. This very much hurts usabili...
Likes: 2
Hi Dallas, I've created a feature request now titled: "Support Group Assignments with External Tools (LTI) Assignment Types". I'm not sure if this is a Canvas or LTI limitation either,...
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Most Recent Posts

Hi Amanda, one workaround that I use to get an originality report is that I create a TurnItIn assignment in a sandbox course (a place where I test things in Canvas). Then, I submit the paper using one...
Feb 24, 2016 06:40 AM
Hi Dallas, I've created a feature request now titled: "Support Group Assignments with External Tools (LTI) Assignment Types". I'm not sure if this is a Canvas or LTI limitation either,...
Jan 29, 2016 07:59 AM
Thanks Dallas and great video! I'll definitely look into that quick submit option and running the group papers through TII that way!
Jan 27, 2016 12:55 PM
Do any TurnItIn competitors support group assignments?
Jan 27, 2016 12:11 PM
Disappointed that this new LTI method doesn't support group assignments. Sad that we are losing this functionality . How have schools worked around this limitation? These are the options I see:Opt...
Jan 27, 2016 12:05 PM

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