
Rachael Sweeten
Community Novice
Apr 30, 2015 9:27:14 AM
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University of Utah, Instructor (current) Instructional Designer

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Issue: Icon size and contrastThanks for the green bar on published assignments. Many Faculty members I serve wear glasses and the contrast with icons was not improved with the size. F...
Likes: 4
Agreed. It takes people out of their courses--making them less likely to actually click the Help button when they need it.
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Issue: List view of AssignmentsThe most recent update creates significant difficulty and slows the course updating & troubleshooting process. Prior to this update,  settings showe...
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The quick solution is to make a separate assignment named Extra Credit for Event X. Leave the point value at zero to tell Canvas that a perfect score is zero.  Then, every point the teacher adds to th...
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I agree that the Quiz tool needs some added features.  For regular Assignments it is easy enough, by making point values zero--so any points added by Instructor are calculated as extra credit. It may ...
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Understood.  Page layout and screen real estate aside, the problem of navigation becomes unworkable for userswhen a content page is long. In many cases, the "next button" is not visible and us...
Dec 4, 2017 8:31:37 AM
The quick solution is to make a separate assignment named Extra Credit for Event X. Leave the point value at zero to tell Canvas that a perfect score is zero.  Then, every point the teacher adds to th...
Oct 30, 2017 3:01:23 PM
It is possible that those who voted this request down do not understand the issue.  When is it ever beneficial to not see a navigation menu or to know where you are in Canvas?  Getting lost is a frequ...
Aug 4, 2017 11:27:45 AM
I see this feature as a valuable "view option" for Instructors provided you don't change how the assignments tab creates the gradebook and the sub-totals/weighting calculations.  It is imp...
Mar 23, 2017 8:07:46 AM
Melanie,  The existing tool in Canvas is LaTex.  Wiris seems to be much easier overall and has a strong advantage for the "alt tags" for accessibility for a blind person's JAWS reader. The...
Mar 13, 2017 7:17:07 AM

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