
Amy Lanier
Community Novice
Apr 30, 2015 9:42:23 AM
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As an LMS Administrator for UTHealth, I provide technical support to faculty, staff and students using Canvas. I'm also the Project Manager for our Canvas implementation. In my free time, I'm an avid scuba diver and visual artist. I combine these two passions by painting lots of pictures inspired by coral reefs. Curious? see www.iamamy.com

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We have discovered that the  Use remote version of Rich Content Editor AND sidebar Feature Option causes the 'Link to a New Page' function to disappear from the bottom of the Links tab in the ...
Likes: 5
stefaniesanders how did the on-call shuttle work out? I noticed that StudioK has an 8am class and plan on checking that one out tomorrow. Yoga & Fitness at Studio K | KeystoneResort.com
Likes: 2
I schlepped my mat all the way from Texas .... only to discover that the shuttles don't run early enough to make it to the class on time.
Likes: 1
Will you be posting the slides from your presentation?
Likes: 1
Fantastic - thanks for sharing those links!
Likes: 1

Most Recent Posts

We have discovered that the  Use remote version of Rich Content Editor AND sidebar Feature Option causes the 'Link to a New Page' function to disappear from the bottom of the Links tab in the ...
Aug 09, 2016 10:40 AM
stefaniesanders how did the on-call shuttle work out? I noticed that StudioK has an 8am class and plan on checking that one out tomorrow. Yoga & Fitness at Studio K | KeystoneResort.com
Jul 20, 2016 23:16 PM
I schlepped my mat all the way from Texas .... only to discover that the shuttles don't run early enough to make it to the class on time.
Jul 19, 2016 20:59 PM
Fantastic - thanks for sharing those links!
Oct 28, 2015 13:47 PM
Will you be posting the slides from your presentation?
Jun 23, 2015 13:14 PM

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