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Apr 30, 2015 12:13:42 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Thanks for the invite. And I hope it was clear I was blaming myself for the confusion on the contact info, not you!
Sorry, thought that was in my info somewhere: acullum@creighton.edu
I'd appreciate an invitation when you get a chance.
I'd like to broaden the general suggestion from extra credit quizzes to extra credit assignments. Some instructors might want to be able to give extra credit for work that's not supported by t...
I think Instructure still uses the third-party editor TinyMCE for Canvas's Rich Text boxes. If so, any feature requests will depend on what TinyMCE offers or might be convinced to offer, or on Ins...
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I found this suggestion while checking for a request to directly upload images to an Essay answer in a quiz. So I'd like to propose this this ability carry over to all RCE boxes that students use,...
One approach I've suggested for these questions in the past would be to simply treat them as a set of true/false questions. If you have a multiple answer question with n possible answers and worth...
I think Instructure still uses the third-party editor TinyMCE for Canvas's Rich Text boxes. If so, any feature requests will depend on what TinyMCE offers or might be convinced to offer, or on Ins...
The ability to change the point value of a group of questions in one swell foop would be fantastic. I often have tests that have 25 or more multiple choice questions in them that I want to make worth ...
I'd like to suggest that if this idea is implemented it include Multiple Answer questions. That would also be a chance to fix what I consider the bizarre scoring system currently used for multipl...
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