
Community Participant
Apr 30, 2015 12:19:09 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I wanted to find out how many universities use Canvas for non-academic courses, like online tutoring, instructor resources, advising, and other types of activities outside of academic departments.  We...
Likes: 34
We looked at the new icons within our Beta instance, and our especially concerned with the similarity between pages and the new assignment icon.  Additionally, we support the previous statements that ...
Likes: 7
Hello All,Some of the LTI's we integrate with have their own reporting stats but others do not.  An idea that is currently up for voting, would provide admins with the ability to determine the usa...
Likes: 6
I want to know how accessible are the Canvas rubrics? Do they work with keyboard navigation or screen readers? Both when they are being viewed in the assignment view or through the gradebook?
Likes: 4
Thank you Matt, that worked perfect.
Likes: 1

Most Recent Posts

Can you put the full link to the mobile checklist in this conversation, my university limits are ability to view bitly links? 
Jul 12, 2022 12:28 PM
This is happening to one of my faculty as well.
Oct 25, 2021 14:43 PM
I want to know how accessible are the Canvas rubrics? Do they work with keyboard navigation or screen readers? Both when they are being viewed in the assignment view or through the gradebook?
Mar 21, 2019 16:17 PM
Thank you Matt, that worked perfect.
May 22, 2018 14:17 PM
Thanks Matt,@Matt HanesCan you paste your code here so I can do the same? 
May 22, 2018 13:02 PM

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