
Community Champion
May 1, 2015 8:31:24 AM
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Hi everyone! I am an Instructional Designer in the Online Learning department at State College of Florida and an Adjunct professor and love working here.

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The most important thing to me was the sessions were informative and inspiring. Everyone who worked the event were equally informative and inspiring! It did take a little time to figure out where eve...
Likes: 14
Hi  @dhulsey ​Like everyone else I don’t have any research but some personal insight on due dates, specifically discussion boards.We have experimented with moving due dates around in discussion bo...
Likes: 11
Loving the option to remove the Course Summary section under the Syllabus! Thank you!
Likes: 10
I think these videos are Awesome! I want to use them and I found the link to the YouTube channel as I want to only use videos that have closed captioning and transcripts. I see that they have the auto...
Likes: 9
Fantastic  @James ‌
Likes: 9

Most Recent Posts

Fantastic resources  @valentinesking ‌ Thanks!
Mar 12, 2020 12:57 PM
Loving the option to remove the Course Summary section under the Syllabus! Thank you!
Feb 18, 2020 13:43 PM
Is it possible to move the Correct and Incorrect feedback in a Hotspot Question as a teacher or as a student so you can see more of the image? 
Jan 29, 2020 09:47 AM
Thanks for the update  @GideonWilliams  on Teams!
Sep 05, 2019 14:07 PM
Hi S9300807‌ we are getting the same issues in our Gradebook too. Our policy is set to automatically post grades and grades are being hidden from random assignments and students.
Jul 16, 2019 07:04 AM

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