
Community Participant
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May 1, 2015 12:35:50 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

Are there plans to release the video about the girl that ends up working at NASA?  Such a great powerful video!  Please share it with us all.
Likes: 8
GSMU is still the most comprehensive solution. We still use it.  Canvas Catalog has made a lot of improvements over the last year and you might want to check that out as well.  
Likes: 4
So far so good.  I have a pretty good idea how it works now.  We will not go live for another 30 days or so.  The Canvas integration works pretty good.  A student can create an account on GoSignMeUp a...
Likes: 3
We just purchased GoSignMeUp and are starting our configuration today.  From what I found it is the only registration product that integrates with Canvas.  I will let you know how it is in a couple of...
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I filled out the survey and now it seems to not work any longer. I just thought of another need. Would be nice if when you had to reset a course is canvas you could re-attach the catalog listing to it...
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Most Recent Posts

Are there plans to release the video about the girl that ends up working at NASA?  Such a great powerful video!  Please share it with us all.
Aug 01, 2023 10:35 AM
I filled out the survey and now it seems to not work any longer. I just thought of another need. Would be nice if when you had to reset a course is canvas you could re-attach the catalog listing to it...
May 07, 2021 13:09 PM
This has been fixed for us. Support explained it, This was an anomaly.  Our engineers found a gallery token that generated giving that more detailed and admin level access that had cached in the Users...
Apr 30, 2020 13:54 PM
I have a screenshot from the student.  Also I masqueraded as that student and it logged me into my assistant's Canvas Catalog Admin account, the one that had been tied to the student. Instructure ...
Apr 27, 2020 19:31 PM
So, here is a warning. We just discovered that if we masquerade as a student and then log into Catalog as that student it is giving your Canvas Catalog admin credentials to the student. (linking the t...
Apr 27, 2020 18:17 PM

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