
NU-William Parod
Community Novice
May 4, 2015 2:42:15 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Since, conference abstracts are usefully brief, here is a link to Nebula in Northwestern Learning Apps​ store. At the session, I'll be going into more detail on Nebula and its feedback from studen...
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Henry,Presentation slides are now attached above. Thanks for your interest. We're happy to answer any questions.Thanks to Tara Cave at Instructure for helping me get the file attached. Bill
Likes: 4
Sarah,Yes, we are working on a public release. We don't have details at this time but will announce in this space and elsewhere when we do. Feel free to check in directly as well. We would love to...
Likes: 3
In case you weren't in yesterday's Data Discussion About Discussions Data​ CanvasLive event, we have a public release of our current Learning Analytics LTI Apps, including Nebula. Our slide de...
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Keroleen,Thanks much. We'll certainly post in this space and elsewhere in the Canvas Community. I'll note your interest as well and followup.Bil
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Most Recent Posts

In case you weren't in yesterday's Data Discussion About Discussions Data​ CanvasLive event, we have a public release of our current Learning Analytics LTI Apps, including Nebula. Our slide de...
Oct 6, 2016 11:23:18 AM
Henry,Presentation slides are now attached above. Thanks for your interest. We're happy to answer any questions.Thanks to Tara Cave at Instructure for helping me get the file attached. Bill
Aug 9, 2016 7:19:00 AM
Keroleen,Thanks much. We'll certainly post in this space and elsewhere in the Canvas Community. I'll note your interest as well and followup.Bil
Aug 3, 2016 11:43:36 AM
Keroleen,Yes, Nebula currently uses AWS.We are preparing an OAuth-based version that will obviate (Canvas API proxy) components running in AWS.BillBill ParodArchitect, Software Development GroupAcadem...
Jul 28, 2016 9:54:21 AM
Sarah,Yes, we are working on a public release. We don't have details at this time but will announce in this space and elsewhere when we do. Feel free to check in directly as well. We would love to...
Jul 28, 2016 7:17:45 AM

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