
Robert John Robertson
Community Novice
May 5, 2015 8:46:18 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I can see the appeal of putting it there but I think that raises a potential difference in the desired functionality that we're talking about. I may have totally misunderstood this so I'm hopi...
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Jeffrey,For me the difference is the level of complexity. I think of a Poll as: single question, able to be embedded, possibly with instantly view results. It's a quick response potentially within...
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I've also encountered situations in which a particular type of question that an instructor has means that the quiz can't be shuffled. So the ability to shuffle some but not all would be very n...
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I can see the appeal of putting it there but I think that raises a potential difference in the desired functionality that we're talking about. I may have totally misunderstood this so I'm hopi...
Feb 10, 2016 14:22 PM
Jeffrey,For me the difference is the level of complexity. I think of a Poll as: single question, able to be embedded, possibly with instantly view results. It's a quick response potentially within...
Feb 04, 2016 10:18 AM
I've also encountered situations in which a particular type of question that an instructor has means that the quiz can't be shuffled. So the ability to shuffle some but not all would be very n...
Jun 10, 2015 18:07 PM

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