
Dorothy Loftin
Community Novice
May 5, 2015 3:38:14 PM
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Most Liked Posts

Several instructors hope for this feature!Giving students a due date for their draft = perfect!Now how to best let them know when the peer review must be done by?You could tell them in the instruc...
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How about a class overview in analytics that shows how many students have accessed certain pages? I have an instructor who would LOVE this.
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Most Recent Posts

Several instructors hope for this feature!Giving students a due date for their draft = perfect!Now how to best let them know when the peer review must be done by?You could tell them in the instruc...
Jun 6, 2016 3:43:36 PM
How about a class overview in analytics that shows how many students have accessed certain pages? I have an instructor who would LOVE this.
May 5, 2015 3:42:49 PM

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