
David Christianson
Community Novice
May 6, 2015 9:50:16 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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We have a faculty member that does a 1 question quiz for this exact purpose. They write a code on a whiteboard, and the code is the only correct answer for the day's quiz.
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This would be a great feature and can fit into well-researched learning strategies utilizing spacing and interleaving study times.
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YES - for our campus, grades are not due to the Registrar until the Tuesday following the last Friday of Final Exams. Instructors need at least a week after the term officially ends to access the cour...
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Most Recent Posts

Jul 19, 2016 08:45 AM
This would be a great feature and can fit into well-researched learning strategies utilizing spacing and interleaving study times.
May 03, 2016 09:25 AM
We have a faculty member that does a 1 question quiz for this exact purpose. They write a code on a whiteboard, and the code is the only correct answer for the day's quiz.
Mar 09, 2016 13:11 PM
YES - for our campus, grades are not due to the Registrar until the Tuesday following the last Friday of Final Exams. Instructors need at least a week after the term officially ends to access the cour...
Aug 05, 2015 14:50 PM

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