
Josh Strigle
Community Contributor
May 6, 2015 11:34:22 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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We heavily use the question bank folders to keep our questions organized.  We create them in the banks since it is the only way to keep them from going into an "unfiled" folder. The regrade fe...
Likes: 338
Watch the highlight reel from last year and you'll get a feel for what folks were wearing for the weather.  My backpack always had a small umbrella and or my frog toggs rain jacket.  As mentioned ...
Likes: 7
We use courses for faculty portfolios. A couple of benefits:Use rubrics to assess parts of the portfolio.We like to change user roles in the course at different points in the process. We create templa...
Likes: 5
Roxanne,  I see I've found this thread a month on now.  I've flown solo at 3 instructurecons and always had a great time.  I take my wife to another conference that is a driving trip and doesn...
Likes: 4
For your generic assignment, you could go into the settings and turn off the submission to the database, which would keep subsequent submissions from coming back plagiarized.  Our faculty have two ver...
Likes: 4

Most Recent Posts

There are a number of us that either have another conference just before this one or are heading out a week or more in advance for some vacation.  Advance warning of fun theme activities would be grea...
Jun 27, 2017 17:32 PM
Watch the highlight reel from last year and you'll get a feel for what folks were wearing for the weather.  My backpack always had a small umbrella and or my frog toggs rain jacket.  As mentioned ...
Jun 27, 2017 17:29 PM
Roxanne,  I see I've found this thread a month on now.  I've flown solo at 3 instructurecons and always had a great time.  I take my wife to another conference that is a driving trip and doesn...
Mar 06, 2017 09:25 AM
See you're so good you even surprise yourself sometimes.
May 07, 2015 16:05 PM
For your generic assignment, you could go into the settings and turn off the submission to the database, which would keep subsequent submissions from coming back plagiarized.  Our faculty have two ver...
May 07, 2015 12:50 PM

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