Joshua Herron
Community Member
May 7, 2015 12:06:47 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas
For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2021-06-19).
We're aware that there are two parts to this idea. The "...
If this is too far off topic, just let me know. A faculty member requests that her online students post profile pictures of themselves. One student has decided she doesn't want to post a picture b...
Hi @melissawetherby ,Our institution transitioned from Moodle to Canvas over summer 2015, and in general, faculty have been very pleased when comparing Canvas to Moodle. I've made a "Mood...
lmsguy ,Not sure if this is exactly what you're meaning, but I remember that in Canvas sample course templates, there's a template called "One Program: Multiple Short Courses" -- third...
Thanks, Kona. Great suggestions that I'll share with the faculty member.
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Hi @melissawetherby ,Our institution transitioned from Moodle to Canvas over summer 2015, and in general, faculty have been very pleased when comparing Canvas to Moodle. I've made a "Mood...
lmsguy ,Not sure if this is exactly what you're meaning, but I remember that in Canvas sample course templates, there's a template called "One Program: Multiple Short Courses" -- third...
I'm surprised this hasn't received more votes yet. Allowing students to see attendance data would be much more efficient for students and faculty, and it can help an instructor keep accurate r...
Thanks, Kona. Great suggestions that I'll share with the faculty member.
If this is too far off topic, just let me know. A faculty member requests that her online students post profile pictures of themselves. One student has decided she doesn't want to post a picture b...
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