Richard Eitel
Community Novice
May 8, 2015 11:02:13 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas Idea will be open for vote Wed. July 1, 2015 - Wed. October 7, 2015 Learn more about voting...Please allow the option to omit or not count certa...
One Quick fix which should be considered (in my view a bug fix) is to change the default reporting for an "unmarked" attendance status.Currently, when exporting the attendance record the csv f...
I agree that the "treat ungraded as zero" verbiage is very misleading. I don't understand why this would NOT change the grade students see. Better verbiage would be "preview grades wit...
Renee,I was aware of and had experimented with "Mute" and there are certainly times it is useful. However this function does not actually to serve the above cases. My understanding (confirmed ...
Agreed a great idea. One suggestion to implement this would be to have a "DO NOT SHUFFLE" flag or setting at the question level. This would still allow setting a "global" shuffle On/Of...
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I agree that the "treat ungraded as zero" verbiage is very misleading. I don't understand why this would NOT change the grade students see. Better verbiage would be "preview grades wit...
Agreed a great idea. One suggestion to implement this would be to have a "DO NOT SHUFFLE" flag or setting at the question level. This would still allow setting a "global" shuffle On/Of...
One Quick fix which should be considered (in my view a bug fix) is to change the default reporting for an "unmarked" attendance status.Currently, when exporting the attendance record the csv f...
Renee,I was aware of and had experimented with "Mute" and there are certainly times it is useful. However this function does not actually to serve the above cases. My understanding (confirmed ...
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas Idea will be open for vote Wed. July 1, 2015 - Wed. October 7, 2015 Learn more about voting...Please allow the option to omit or not count certa...
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