Community Member
May 20, 2015 7:58:02 AM
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Justin Ball is the CTO at Atomic Jolt. In the rare moments when he isn't writing code, talking about code or measuring his code productivity in profanity per hour, you can find him on his bike in the mountains or on the roads surrounding Cache Valley. Justin can be found pontificating at http://www.justinball.com.
Most Liked Posts
Hi James,Thanks for the response. As the tool provider I think we can just set the width of the html to 100%. Height is trickier since it frequently changes based on the content loaded into the screen...
Setting up new courses over and over again is tedious—and tedious is for computers. Demo Arigato solves this problem for the Instructure Sales team. Learn how OAuth and the Canvas API are used to popu...
I agree with @fosterl that you don't want to create a API token and give that out especially if you are a Canvas Admin. If you really do need to issue an API token for some reason then creat...
When we setup our tools we use the XML configuration. I've attached an example below. There's a property with the name "visibility" that can be set to admin or public. Given that admin...
Hi Joseph,Does your application use cookies for sessions for something else? If so then you will have a problem with Safari and a few other browsers. The issue is that Safari blocks cookies for iframe...
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Canvas Studio works great in Canvas. It's also an LTI 1.1 tool. Is it possible to use the LTI key and secret to install Canvas Studio into another platform that isn't Canvas?Thanks!
+1 This would save a lot of install time/pain.
Glad the videos have been helpful. For anyone that finds this thread be sure to also look at LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage. LTI 1.2 will be supported for a long time to come. However, LTI 1.3 is coming an...
I found a bit more information in the documentation here:Importing Extended Tool Configurations - Canvas LMS REST API Documentation By default, Canvas handles LTI launch URLs with query parameters by ...
That's interesting.The query string we added was really simple, something like ?id=3. We have tried it with a number of different query parameters with the same result each time.I would guess ...
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