
Community Explorer
May 20, 2015 8:22:53 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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We also have adjunct faculty that work at multiple institutions and they needed to transfer their courses from Canvas to Blackboard. Fortunately I found a video on YouTube that shows, step by step, ho...
Likes: 1
We have two instructors that lost their final exam question banks in the course copy process. To remedy the problem, one tried exporting the final from the previous course as a QTI zip file. When that...
Likes: 0
We are having the same issue at our college. A few students can't see the images in quizzes campus wide. When we preview the exams, the images occasionally are missing. Refreshing the browser and ...
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Most Recent Posts

We also have adjunct faculty that work at multiple institutions and they needed to transfer their courses from Canvas to Blackboard. Fortunately I found a video on YouTube that shows, step by step, ho...
Oct 21, 2021 08:15 AM
We have two instructors that lost their final exam question banks in the course copy process. To remedy the problem, one tried exporting the final from the previous course as a QTI zip file. When that...
Dec 10, 2020 08:58 AM
We are having the same issue at our college. A few students can't see the images in quizzes campus wide. When we preview the exams, the images occasionally are missing. Refreshing the browser and ...
Sep 02, 2020 15:37 PM

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