
Community Member
May 21, 2015 8:00:54 AM
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As we move toward Personalized Learning we are beginning to feel boxed in by the linear design of Course Modules.  Many teachers would like the Course Modules to look more like the Course listing in t...
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I couldn't agree more. As we move to implementation, we are repeatedly answering questions from teachers who are hesitant to move away from Google Classroom and I worry the loss of this feature wi...
Likes: 5
The true integration of Google Apps and Google Docs, in particular, is crucial to your work with GAFE districts.
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I couldn't agree more! As we work toward personalization, students have FAR more flexibility to determine their path through the curriculum. I believe you will see continued reform in education th...
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This is SO necessary and a feature of nearly every other online grade book I have ever used.
Oct 14, 2016 06:43 AM
I couldn't agree more! As we work toward personalization, students have FAR more flexibility to determine their path through the curriculum. I believe you will see continued reform in education th...
Apr 12, 2016 09:21 AM
Agreed, Corey. We are not proposing an endless layering of Modules. Of course, that would get very messy. We do however see immense benefit in one sub-layer to support Personalized Learning.
Apr 04, 2016 08:40 AM
I hadn't thought of that as an option, but I love the idea!! Our district is working toward both Personalized and Competency Based learning and, as our teachers push the boundaries of what Modules...
Feb 01, 2016 07:27 AM
 @kona  I would LOVE to see the Modules page look more like this. This is a de-cluttering issue and not dissimilar to what others have asked for. However, once you open one of those Modules, I wou...
Jan 29, 2016 11:48 AM

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