Richard Bartolowits
Community Novice
May 22, 2015 1:59:22 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas It is sometimes nice to be able to assign partial credit for multiple choice questions. Example: Which musicians were members of The Who in the 19...
I'm new to Canvas. I haven't yet found a reason I would want students to ever go to the Pages list. I don't like it much when working on the classes either. I can see it might be useful if...
One of my teachers called me this morning and related the frustration with being bounced to the Pages view because the breadcrumbs didn't really provide a trail of access. I definitely support imp...
This is really unfortunate as it doesn't seem to address the root desire for this feature. This solution (work-around) requires an additional calendar, living outside Canvas. I believe the goal of...
This is something we've been trying to figure out for our Canvas instance as well. In our case, the sub-account calendars are what is needed. We have schools within the district operating on diffe...
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Global search within a course would also be very helpful during the course development and maintenance. Global find and replace would also be a huge help. Seemingly simple things, like teacher contact...
I would add my voice to the request for this course level search capability. We use Canvas to "flip" meetings. The ability to search through notes and content from past meetings would be extre...
Thanks. I didn't realize that would work.
Contacting students before the beginning of a class is one commonly identified best practice for online teaching. (http://www.uwec.edu/AcadAff/resources/edtech/upload/Best-Practices-in-Online-Teaching...
This would certainly be helpful for teachers/schools using standards based grading
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