
Lori Schiess
Community Novice
Jun 3, 2015 9:10:59 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Getting ready for the final general session with  @bacherts ​.
Likes: 7
@​Got to chat with Deactivated user​ about GAME NIGHT (instcon15) tonight. Found out the ballroom will be open until midnight! Come join us for some fun board games!!!
Likes: 6
As the final day of InstrctureCon gets rolling, I'm both excited to go to all the sessions and enjoy one more day of fun and sad that the end is in sight. Can't wait to learn more cool stuff a...
Likes: 2
I'm a bit late in finding this, but I know that there are some faculty at my institution that will not use the Canvas grade book because of the inability to see the scores of students that withdra...
Likes: 0

Most Recent Posts

I'm a bit late in finding this, but I know that there are some faculty at my institution that will not use the Canvas grade book because of the inability to see the scores of students that withdra...
Aug 19, 2015 21:16 PM
Getting ready for the final general session with  @bacherts ​.
Jun 18, 2015 13:25 PM
As the final day of InstrctureCon gets rolling, I'm both excited to go to all the sessions and enjoy one more day of fun and sad that the end is in sight. Can't wait to learn more cool stuff a...
Jun 18, 2015 11:31 AM
@​Got to chat with Deactivated user​ about GAME NIGHT (instcon15) tonight. Found out the ballroom will be open until midnight! Come join us for some fun board games!!!
Jun 18, 2015 11:22 AM

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