Community Member
Aug 25, 2020 2:34:24 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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I created an assignment group and allocated the percentage of the course grade that I wanted to count for class participation - for example, 20%. I then created an assignment that does not have a subm...
Thanks, Chris. This was my initial suspicion as well. I passed your response onto the students who were affected - hoping it will resolve their issue.
I have uploaded an mp4 onto my google drive and have made it available to students in my class. Most students are able to access the file, but a couple of students were unable to do so - receiving the...
I've created a short survey in google form and would like to embed it into an assignment. So I created the assignment and used the plug icon in the RTE to access the google drive (which I had alre...
Most Recent Posts
Thanks, Chris. This was my initial suspicion as well. I passed your response onto the students who were affected - hoping it will resolve their issue.
I have uploaded an mp4 onto my google drive and have made it available to students in my class. Most students are able to access the file, but a couple of students were unable to do so - receiving the...
I created an assignment group and allocated the percentage of the course grade that I wanted to count for class participation - for example, 20%. I then created an assignment that does not have a subm...
I've created a short survey in google form and would like to embed it into an assignment. So I created the assignment and used the plug icon in the RTE to access the google drive (which I had alre...
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