Michael Fariborz
Community Novice
Jun 8, 2015 9:07:14 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Are there any resources about how to do custom javascript for mobile devices? For instance, does jQuery work in mobile, or is there some other framework that should be used? How do you call the Canv...
Hello Chris,Thanks for the information on setting up Google Analytics. I recently had a request to do the same on our beta instance of Canvas and used your documentation to get 99% of the way there. ...
I have been playing around with this a bit more this afternoon and have been able to answer at least couple of my questions.You can't use jQuery, so you have to resort to using pure javascript. (...
I am working with an LTI vendor and want to pass them our integration_id for each student on launch. We have tried setting the custom fields to "integration_id=$Canvas.user.integration_id"...
If you have access to the Admin -> Themes section of your Canvas instance, you can create a javascript file and upload it there.I'm not 100% sure that I understand what you are trying to accomp...
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theotherdy, I had never noticed that class in the body tag, nice find! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get that to work in the mobile app either.I just created an idea to add this type of functio...
Hello Everyone,I wanted to circle back around with what I have found thus far about extracting the course id via javascript in the mobile app. I reached out to our CSM and asked her if she could ask ...
If you have access to the Admin -> Themes section of your Canvas instance, you can create a javascript file and upload it there.I'm not 100% sure that I understand what you are trying to accomp...
Hello theotherdy,Doing AJAX without jQuery is a little messier, but definitely doable. Here's some example code that might help you get started:var url = '/api/v1/users/self'; ...
Thanks, I'll take a look as time allows. If I figure anything out, I'll make sure to post back here to share any knowledge that I gain.And, perhaps, someone from the mobile development team m...
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