
Community Explorer
Jun 8, 2015 11:53:17 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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In discussion with equitable grading and how retakes to show mastery should be allowed this would be a great feature to have.
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One thing I would like to see is the ability to choose multiple submission types or just move all types to one drop down menu and allow the teacher to select the ones they want to allow.  
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Teacher will be better able to assist students who need remediation.  This will allow teacher the ability to help students during intervention by being able to monitor their grades across subjects and...
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Most Recent Posts

In discussion with equitable grading and how retakes to show mastery should be allowed this would be a great feature to have.
Apr 02, 2023 14:05 PM
One thing I would like to see is the ability to choose multiple submission types or just move all types to one drop down menu and allow the teacher to select the ones they want to allow.  
Oct 24, 2018 19:45 PM
Teacher will be better able to assist students who need remediation.  This will allow teacher the ability to help students during intervention by being able to monitor their grades across subjects and...
Jun 08, 2015 12:59 PM

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