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Jun 11, 2015 12:01:08 PM
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I would like to be able to bulk enter all of the possible choices under set default grade. For me "ex" would be useful. Sometimes I collect something from only one section, or only one subse...
Along with the comment feature, it would be helpful if you could set the default grade to "Ex". As a math teacher, I assign homework every night. I don't check it every day, but do mark ...
What I'd really like is the ability for either my institution to set the default or for me to be able to set a default in my class. I teach in a 9-12 boarding school. 12 Midnight is after lights...
An additional confusion is that when you use Quizzes in the broadest assessment-sense, if you use exclusively "Essay" type questions, Canvas adds a grade of zero to the student's overall a...
In general more designations are needed for HS. "-" can mean two things: assignment not done or teacher hasn't entered a grade yet. I need to be able to distinguish between "Absent&#...
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In addition, when I teach the same course again the following year, I don't want to have to change the title and the date; I'd rather just change the date.
I would like to be able to bulk enter all of the possible choices under set default grade. For me "ex" would be useful. Sometimes I collect something from only one section, or only one subse...
I too would really appreciate the restoration of control of column width. The fixed columns are very wide, and my laptop screen is very small. I usually collapse columns to just the width of the num...
I'm all in favor of instructor choice. My least favorite part about the "What-if" grades is that students forget to turn them off, and then email because the grade I say they have is diff...
What I'd really like is the ability for either my institution to set the default or for me to be able to set a default in my class. I teach in a 9-12 boarding school. 12 Midnight is after lights...
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