
Matthew Meyers
Community Novice
Jun 17, 2015 3:19:55 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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 @rashidmostafa ​,To change the size of the box around the play button, target the <span> tag with the below CSS selector and input your desire width and height:span.media_comment_thumbnail ...
Likes: 7
In HTML you can add the property target="_parent" to your <a> tags and it will open a link from an iFrame in the parent window of the iFrame. So it would look like<a href="...
Likes: 5
Have you tried this request without calling JSON.parse? In Javascript you don't need to parse a JSON response unless it is a JSON string.  Just treat the response like any other Javascript object ...
Likes: 4
Hi Debora,The script at the link you’ve provided does not perform the type of request you’ll need to update your outcomes. What it contains is a script for creating a new outcome (POST request), where...
Likes: 4
Hmmm, sorry for the late response  @mlattke ​.What is the exact resource path that you are viewing the page on? Like is it /course/xxx/assignments/xxx/files? If you're still having trouble, I ...
Likes: 3

Most Recent Posts

 @rashidmostafa ​,To change the size of the box around the play button, target the <span> tag with the below CSS selector and input your desire width and height:span.media_comment_thumbnail ...
Aug 07, 2015 14:33 PM
Hmmm, sorry for the late response  @mlattke ​.What is the exact resource path that you are viewing the page on? Like is it /course/xxx/assignments/xxx/files? If you're still having trouble, I ...
Aug 07, 2015 14:08 PM
Adding logic to your code to make sure the node doesn't already exist is a good idea, and can be accomplished by adding an if statement to your function:function inject_node(target_id, node_elemen...
Jul 31, 2015 08:32 AM
If I am correctly understanding the location of your issue, then you may adjust the height of the file preview <div> with the following CSS selector:#doc_preview {    height: <height&...
Jul 31, 2015 08:19 AM
In HTML you can add the property target="_parent" to your <a> tags and it will open a link from an iFrame in the parent window of the iFrame. So it would look like<a href="...
Jul 13, 2015 16:25 PM

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