Matthew Meyers
Community Novice
Jun 17, 2015 3:19:55 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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@rashidmostafa ,To change the size of the box around the play button, target the <span> tag with the below CSS selector and input your desire width and height:span.media_comment_thumbnail ...
In HTML you can add the property target="_parent" to your <a> tags and it will open a link from an iFrame in the parent window of the iFrame. So it would look like<a href="...
Have you tried this request without calling JSON.parse? In Javascript you don't need to parse a JSON response unless it is a JSON string. Just treat the response like any other Javascript object ...
Hi Debora,The script at the link you’ve provided does not perform the type of request you’ll need to update your outcomes. What it contains is a script for creating a new outcome (POST request), where...
Re: Does anyone know if there is a global CSS change that will make the Box document preview taller?
Hmmm, sorry for the late response @mlattke .What is the exact resource path that you are viewing the page on? Like is it /course/xxx/assignments/xxx/files? If you're still having trouble, I ...
Most Recent Posts
@rashidmostafa ,To change the size of the box around the play button, target the <span> tag with the below CSS selector and input your desire width and height:span.media_comment_thumbnail ...
Re: Does anyone know if there is a global CSS change that will make the Box document preview taller?
Hmmm, sorry for the late response @mlattke .What is the exact resource path that you are viewing the page on? Like is it /course/xxx/assignments/xxx/files? If you're still having trouble, I ...
Adding logic to your code to make sure the node doesn't already exist is a good idea, and can be accomplished by adding an if statement to your function:function inject_node(target_id, node_elemen...
Re: Does anyone know if there is a global CSS change that will make the Box document preview taller?
If I am correctly understanding the location of your issue, then you may adjust the height of the file preview <div> with the following CSS selector:#doc_preview { height: <height&...
In HTML you can add the property target="_parent" to your <a> tags and it will open a link from an iFrame in the parent window of the iFrame. So it would look like<a href="...
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