
Joe Montuori
Community Contributor
Jul 5, 2015 7:02:18 PM
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I have a two-year appointment as Instructional Technology Coach at Horace Greeley High School. I've taught Social Studies for 24 years, with a significant use of technology in a blended course environment. I also teach an online high school Social Studies course at a regional school.

Most Liked Posts

An administrator in my K-12 district just asked me a great question -- and I need your help answering it! :smileyplain:Question: Is there anything that one should NOT do in designing and developing a ...
Likes: 52
These are great! Keep 'em comin'!  I'm going to add one of my own -- you're spurring my thinking!Don't try to excessively "lock down" materials and assignments.Many teacher...
Likes: 11
Thanks, Kelley. I've seen you reference KISS before, and this is a good reminder.Indulge me in a minor rant here. Some faculty have argued that students will have to deal with different management...
Likes: 9
Ah. Problem resolved for me. Hope this helps you too,  @johnmartin ! I was logged into Google Drive with my district Google account (the one I was also authorizing Canvas to access). However, I wa...
Likes: 9
Love the vlogging idea, Leslie. I can imagine using vlog posting assignments to freshen up text discussions. For example, for a public speaking task, ask students to present a piece of an argument in ...
Likes: 8

Most Recent Posts

Hi ysmalls,Are you importing quizzes from Problem-Attic?An ExamView rep told me "ExamView allows you to export ExamView content for use in Canvas".  I haven't had time to explore that poss...
Oct 08, 2017 22:52 PM
@K-12Has anyone found a good source of high school level multiple choice (or true-false, short answer) question banks that can be imported into Canvas as a test bank?I'm so done with typing mu...
Sep 14, 2017 06:16 AM
Hey,  @kpthomps . In response to your query elsewhere, here are some practical tips for how I instruct students to initially create the journal and share it with me. I haven't provided a templ...
Apr 19, 2017 09:15 AM
Hi laurakgibbs, I finally found my way back here with time to check out these links. I will definitely read Hacking Assessment by Starr Sackstein. And your Orientation and Google Form survey have seve...
Mar 09, 2017 10:50 AM
Hi laurakgibbs. Your comments arrived literally as I was pondering moving to a SBG gradebook (outside of Canvas) next year, and what that would entail (ugh). Now I'm wondering if I should go grade...
Mar 02, 2017 12:55 PM

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