
Lene Whitley-Putz
Community Novice
Jul 15, 2015 9:39:22 AM
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I've been teaching writing and communication for over 20 years, and began integrating technology into my classes as a graduate assistant at Rensselaer Polytechnic. I love teaching and learning online, designing activities that engage my students, and working with other faculty to provide a robust learning environment for our students.

Most Liked Posts

This is a terrific conversation, Amanda! There is a big difference in the process between courses designed with an ID team, and those that are developed by faculty, but I think you're well on your...
Likes: 7
There are some great ideas here for using a quiz, but you might also consider using an assignment. The prompt of the assignment could be the code of conduct, and for their submission, students could b...
Likes: 3
We have spent hours going through our courses to eliminate unused files, and it is awful work! We would LOVE this tool. 
Likes: 1
I'm a newbie to catalog, and we're just setting up our catalog infrastructure. We need to add some subcatalogs, but I'm flummoxed by the "path" for the subcatalog. I've tried s...
Likes: 1

Most Recent Posts

These are fun--thanks! 
Oct 22, 2018 07:47 AM
There are some great ideas here for using a quiz, but you might also consider using an assignment. The prompt of the assignment could be the code of conduct, and for their submission, students could b...
Aug 13, 2018 11:37 AM
We have spent hours going through our courses to eliminate unused files, and it is awful work! We would LOVE this tool. 
Aug 13, 2018 11:06 AM
Thanks, Jon Fenton We're so happy to see some of these features (Yeah, duplicate a listing!!!), but are really concerned about the student dashboard and transcript...any fixes on the horizon?
Jul 22, 2018 17:43 PM
Had issues twice this week where the ability to masquerade could have saved me over an hour of communication time and calls to Canvas. Once a student said the certificate of completion was not on thei...
Apr 17, 2018 09:30 AM

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