Natalie Norton
Community Champion
Jul 29, 2015 6:31:41 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Each of our depts has their own template for their courses, with slight variations of colour/content but many have opted for variations on the design below. We use the syllabus page as the homepage, w...
Many thanks for setting us this group - we have experienced a number of issues with the interface this week so sharing info is very useful. Couple of examples:Moderated grading - there is a conflict i...
We encourage students to check their notification settings, but we are getting a lot of feedback that they find them very confusing and are not sure what they all mean! Sometimes they feel overwhelme...
Had a quick chat with Christi at the end and she also confirmed 'muting by default' (or I think choosing to post grades manually or on fixed date) will likely be in later part of phase 1. Grea...
I am coming from Winchester, UK and looking forward to my second Instructurecon!Tagging a few fellow Brits I think are coming! @joel_mills @paul_towers @g_bowie @james_true...
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We currently have grade distribution graphs (in Grades) turned off in many courses - is this functionality likely to be impacted/phased out? We would want to hide any new analytics from students in ma...
Hi - understand it is difficult when new features are LTIs, but would really appreciate being able to look at them in test/beta first so we can assess any implications and also have time to prepare co...
HI - would it be possible to get some clarification around whether the new anonymous marking functionality will work with either the Turnitin Plag Framework integration or the previous Tii LTI? Is it ...
Hi - did you manage to get this working? We are also having problems with appointments not showing in outlook. Thanks!
Hi - I don't think the audit trail is in production yet - coming in a later release?
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