
Community Participant
Aug 12, 2015 3:11:31 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Having used Arc (now Studio) pretty extensively last year, I was hoping that with the new name and icon, we might see improvements in the functionality of the Insights area. Alas, such is not the case...
Likes: 15
Currently, the new quiz editor does not allow for partial credit for certain question types, such as drag-and-drop, but does allow instructors to add fudge points in Speedgrader. However, if I go into...
Likes: 5
Hi Jeff,Thanks for your ideas. Actually, I just spoke to a Canvas tech about this yesterday, who confirmed that if students access the videos through a browser on a mobile device instead of using Canv...
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Thanks for your replies. I'd forgotten about setting the grade scale in settings. The scale I ultimately used was A = 87.5-100%, B = 62.5-87.4%, C = 37.5-62.4%, and D = 12.5-37.4%....
Likes: 4
In several of my courses, I grade on a 4-point basis, but rather than going through the hassle of changing the grading scheme for each assignment, I simply make each one worth four points. However, th...
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Earlier today, using the Outlook Web App, I responded to two student emails sent from the Canvas Inbox. When I arrived on campus and opened my desktop Outlook app, I noticed that in the Outlook Inbox,...
Jan 19, 2021 11:36 AM
Please ignore my suggestion at the end of my previous post - I just discovered that, for all the grief I've endured regrading questions, when i went back to exams i'd previously regraded, I di...
Dec 17, 2020 10:34 AM
I'm just in the midst of regrading questions on a final exam built in the new quiz editor, mostly because the new editor won't give partial credit on matching and drag-and-drop questions. What...
Dec 16, 2020 16:55 PM
Currently, the new quiz editor does not allow for partial credit for certain question types, such as drag-and-drop, but does allow instructors to add fudge points in Speedgrader. However, if I go into...
May 03, 2020 18:22 PM
Hi Jeff,Thanks for your ideas. Actually, I just spoke to a Canvas tech about this yesterday, who confirmed that if students access the videos through a browser on a mobile device instead of using Canv...
Sep 26, 2019 07:50 AM

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