
Mark Gaither
Community Novice
Aug 16, 2015 7:23:51 PM
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Mark’s career as a professional educator includes over 27 years of classroom and administrative experience working with a wide variety of learning populations, including a focus on marginalized youth and adults throughout the Portland-Metropolitan region. He earned a B.S. in Science from Portland State University and an MAED in Computer-Based Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Phoenix. His interest in the application of technology in the classroom has placed him in many diverse environments. In 1987 he began his work with high-need, at-risk populations, exploring traditional and computer-based instruction with gang-affected youth in North Portland. Simultaneously, Mark has had a private business developing computer-based instructional solutions for business and industry with an emphasis in healthcare and professional healthcare training.

Most Liked Posts

Hello All, This is a follow-up to my earlier post...I’m sure many of you have or will go to the source of this situation... The posting by LeRoy Rooker on the AACRAO website in response to a question ...
Likes: 11
I have to disagree that "convenience" is the only reason why students may interact in two different sections. There is a strong body of evidence that integrated studies (learning communities) ...
Likes: 8
In my opinion, there are several problems with a checkbox as a waiver (second opt-out):Cultural disparity: The students who would, most often, not select the waiver, would be those who have the greate...
Likes: 7
Hello Everyone,I am at a loss on how to preface this question... I am simply going to ask for your help:As a Business Administration instructor, how do I teach my student's the critical business s...
Likes: 5
A couple of clarifications regarding some interesting arguments on this issue:FERPA pertains to permanent student records -  I would argue a class section is a transient record that never sees the lig...
Likes: 4

Most Recent Posts

A couple of clarifications regarding some interesting arguments on this issue:FERPA pertains to permanent student records -  I would argue a class section is a transient record that never sees the lig...
Sep 26, 2016 09:23 AM
In my opinion, there are several problems with a checkbox as a waiver (second opt-out):Cultural disparity: The students who would, most often, not select the waiver, would be those who have the greate...
Sep 23, 2016 13:10 PM
Hello Everyone,I am at a loss on how to preface this question... I am simply going to ask for your help:As a Business Administration instructor, how do I teach my student's the critical business s...
Sep 23, 2016 07:56 AM
Hello All, This is a follow-up to my earlier post...I’m sure many of you have or will go to the source of this situation... The posting by LeRoy Rooker on the AACRAO website in response to a question ...
Sep 08, 2016 15:09 PM
I have to disagree that "convenience" is the only reason why students may interact in two different sections. There is a strong body of evidence that integrated studies (learning communities) ...
Sep 08, 2016 13:48 PM

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