
Community Member
Sep 5, 2020 2:30:34 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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My volume? is not working. used it many times and now it can't "hear" me...it cancels and says no activity. help
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Been using this device for months, now it is not "Hearing" my voice...it says cancelled due to inactivity. I've tried resetting volumes, settings, I'm frustrated Michiko Arai
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in the student notifications, which one blocks outgoing notifications for ZOOM?
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Thank you Nathan, So students have to change the notification? I cannot do anything to block them?    
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I get 2 or 3 emails per class when students log into zoom. It used to be all of them now its just a few. 
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Most Recent Posts

My volume? is not working. used it many times and now it can't "hear" me...it cancels and says no activity. help
Oct 28, 2021 14:00 PM
Been using this device for months, now it is not "Hearing" my voice...it says cancelled due to inactivity. I've tried resetting volumes, settings, I'm frustrated Michiko Arai
Oct 28, 2021 13:58 PM
in the student notifications, which one blocks outgoing notifications for ZOOM?
Aug 23, 2021 13:44 PM
Thank you Nathan, So students have to change the notification? I cannot do anything to block them?    
Aug 23, 2021 13:29 PM
I get 2 or 3 emails per class when students log into zoom. It used to be all of them now its just a few. 
Jan 22, 2021 11:52 AM

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