
Marcy Goodfleisch
Community Novice
Aug 23, 2015 12:09:53 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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YES, definitely!  If you have a full online class, it is a real pain to scroll all the way to the bottom.  This is readily evident to anyone teaching an online course.
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Definitely needed!  Students also need it in quizzes and other graded areas. 
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Other LMS packages have this feature - it should be doable and should be made a priority.
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This is URGENT!!!   If a grade is disputed, or there's an Incomplete, we need access to the grades and to all quiz or assignment information.
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We don't have access to grading history???  This will not work - there are times we need to change grades (Incomplete grades, or other issues) and we need to have the gradebooks as references.  Th...
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Definitely needed!  Students also need it in quizzes and other graded areas. 
Nov 02, 2015 08:37 AM
Other LMS packages have this feature - it should be doable and should be made a priority.
Nov 02, 2015 08:33 AM
This is URGENT!!!   If a grade is disputed, or there's an Incomplete, we need access to the grades and to all quiz or assignment information.
Nov 02, 2015 08:32 AM
We don't have access to grading history???  This will not work - there are times we need to change grades (Incomplete grades, or other issues) and we need to have the gradebooks as references.  Th...
Aug 23, 2015 13:19 PM
YES, definitely!  If you have a full online class, it is a real pain to scroll all the way to the bottom.  This is readily evident to anyone teaching an online course.
Aug 23, 2015 13:16 PM

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