
Community Member
Sep 15, 2020 7:22:36 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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@triburgl  et all,As I mentioned twice in this forum, it looks like there is no longer ANY intent at Instructure to offer us, the users, what we need (if there ever was one.) On all of this entire...
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@michelli et all, The persons I recommend reaching out to would be Steve Townsend, the SVP of Engineering (https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenptownsend/) , the other being Roshan Popal, the CIO (ht...
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@michelli et All, Yes, 7 years of continuously suggesting, asking, BEGGING Instructure to CORRECT this (since it's a massive flaw and mistake on their part to begin with) and yet nothing! The ...
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What's really annoying is that, after looking through the lists shown on the right (Moderating, In Dev, Beta), our conversation here and request has a very solid support number and should have ple...
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@michelli - as I mentioned in a prior post, the votes must be over 100 for the "Canvas Gods" to even bother paying attention to our plea. We're way below that, unfortunately. Guess we&...
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Most Recent Posts

@triburgl  et all,As I mentioned twice in this forum, it looks like there is no longer ANY intent at Instructure to offer us, the users, what we need (if there ever was one.) On all of this entire...
Oct 12, 2022 07:06 AM
@michelli et all, The persons I recommend reaching out to would be Steve Townsend, the SVP of Engineering (https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenptownsend/) , the other being Roshan Popal, the CIO (ht...
Feb 10, 2022 14:04 PM
@michelli et All, Yes, 7 years of continuously suggesting, asking, BEGGING Instructure to CORRECT this (since it's a massive flaw and mistake on their part to begin with) and yet nothing! The ...
Feb 06, 2022 08:26 AM
What's really annoying is that, after looking through the lists shown on the right (Moderating, In Dev, Beta), our conversation here and request has a very solid support number and should have ple...
Mar 16, 2021 07:54 AM
@michelli - as I mentioned in a prior post, the votes must be over 100 for the "Canvas Gods" to even bother paying attention to our plea. We're way below that, unfortunately. Guess we&...
Mar 12, 2021 08:01 AM

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