
Community Member
Nov 10, 2015 8:44:28 AM
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I have teachers with IEP students asking for this accommodation all the time.  When I look in the course guides this is a suggestion and then it says "solved" when I click to "jump to solu...
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This option/feature would be most helpful.  Also would make SIS gradebook syncing less messy as I have to create 2 quizzes one assigned to all then the other assigned to just a couple of students.
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I have teachers with IEP students asking for this accommodation all the time.  When I look in the course guides this is a suggestion and then it says "solved" when I click to "jump to solu...
Nov 04, 2022 12:40 PM
This option/feature would be most helpful.  Also would make SIS gradebook syncing less messy as I have to create 2 quizzes one assigned to all then the other assigned to just a couple of students.
Feb 21, 2022 07:13 AM

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