Jimmy Hughes
Community Contributor
Mar 8, 2016 6:35:48 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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The University I work at has several custom roles that people could have in a course. In the Inbox, it only has 2 roles, and places users as either Teacher or Student (shown below). This becomes a pro...
I have noticed recently that when you are sent a message in inbox, it has to: and from: information in it. What happens though, when you get a chain of back-and-forth communication, and then add a per...
Please add me as a student.jch5251@psu.eduThanks!
Any update on this issue? I just had a course that one of my team members is putting accessible PPTs in, do the same thing.
It would be useful to have the option to disable the Inbox on a course-level, for any user with the "Teacher" role in a course to control. (As a toggle option in the Course - Level Settings.) ...
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Any update on this issue? I just had a course that one of my team members is putting accessible PPTs in, do the same thing.
The University I work at has several custom roles that people could have in a course. In the Inbox, it only has 2 roles, and places users as either Teacher or Student (shown below). This becomes a pro...
I have noticed recently that when you are sent a message in inbox, it has to: and from: information in it. What happens though, when you get a chain of back-and-forth communication, and then add a per...
It would be useful to have the option to disable the Inbox on a course-level, for any user with the "Teacher" role in a course to control. (As a toggle option in the Course - Level Settings.) ...
Please add me as a student.jch5251@psu.eduThanks!
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