
Community Member
Aug 28, 2016 2:02:11 PM
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@jsowalsk thank you for the recommendation!  So just to recap, creating two programs (1 for required and 1 for electives) is the only way that you know of to incorporate electives? 
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With the Program Listing feature, is there a known way to have the participants have a choice of elective classes?  We have a Certificate Program with our institution that has "required classes...
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We are using Canvas Catalog to list all our training classes for registration.  Is there a way to have a listing say TBA or TBD instead of "Self-Paced" or having a specific date listed?  
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@jsowalsk thank you for the recommendation!  So just to recap, creating two programs (1 for required and 1 for electives) is the only way that you know of to incorporate electives? 
Nov 15, 2022 14:25 PM
With the Program Listing feature, is there a known way to have the participants have a choice of elective classes?  We have a Certificate Program with our institution that has "required classes...
Nov 08, 2022 11:24 AM
We are using Canvas Catalog to list all our training classes for registration.  Is there a way to have a listing say TBA or TBD instead of "Self-Paced" or having a specific date listed?  
Aug 25, 2022 09:25 AM

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