
Community Participant
Apr 28, 2017 10:43:21 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Need help with the New Rich Content Editor. Each of the following I was able to do in the previous Rich Content Editor, but I cannot determine how to do the same thing in the New RCE, am I missing som...
Likes: 5
Katrina,Warning Answer contains html coding -- I do not know html and this answer is based on observation and experimentationIn answer to your question 3:The html coding that the file is given when it...
Likes: 3
Practice Quizzes would not entirely solve my problem as I have third party software that sends grades to the gradebook as assignment grades. I need the ability to make an entire category ungraded and ...
Likes: 0
Any updates. Our Administration is asking for practice assessments to be added to our courses. Adding these to my course is confusing students when they look at their gradebook as they automatically t...
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I could not agree more. If I have counted correctly it now takes about 5 clicks to add a file/image instead of the 2 in the original RCE. Other issues are that the default for displaying the files is ...
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Most Recent Posts

Practice Quizzes would not entirely solve my problem as I have third party software that sends grades to the gradebook as assignment grades. I need the ability to make an entire category ungraded and ...
Jan 18, 2022 07:15 AM
Any updates. Our Administration is asking for practice assessments to be added to our courses. Adding these to my course is confusing students when they look at their gradebook as they automatically t...
Jan 16, 2022 10:19 AM
As a math instructor being able to type math in the comments section when correcting papers would be beneficial. Being able to annotate a textbox entry in the same way you can annotate a submitted doc...
Feb 13, 2020 07:51 AM
I could not agree more. If I have counted correctly it now takes about 5 clicks to add a file/image instead of the 2 in the original RCE. Other issues are that the default for displaying the files is ...
Feb 13, 2020 07:46 AM
Katrina,Warning Answer contains html coding -- I do not know html and this answer is based on observation and experimentationIn answer to your question 3:The html coding that the file is given when it...
Feb 09, 2020 10:21 AM

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