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Oct 15, 2020 1:22:39 PM
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I believe I finally find a solution here:https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Developers-Group/Canvas-LTI-1-3-Error-Unknown-Key-Type/m-p/390285/highlight/true#M6345
The TLDR is that the Bitnami installa...
I have a question about some behavior after we moved to a newer Canvas version provided by Bitnami. Our sample course contained several 1.0 tools “placed” in the modules area, that were all functioni...
Filling in some more info as I go. Hopefully this will help others in the future:You can view the details of an error report by visiting /error_reports/{error_report_id} off your Canvas domain.The sp...
I am having the same issue:[bad2d12f27a227b91626530c7e2e5c0e 8b25889c-7cc5-4712-82f9-9bdbd10d2491] Started GET "/api/lti/security/jwks" for {my_ip_address} at 2020-11-16 16:45:56 +0000[bad...
Like many LTI tool providers, we are scrambling to address the errors caused by Safari blocking 3rd party cookies by default. I have taken a few different runs at this, but about 90% of the way throu...
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I have a question about some behavior after we moved to a newer Canvas version provided by Bitnami. Our sample course contained several 1.0 tools “placed” in the modules area, that were all functioni...
Like many LTI tool providers, we are scrambling to address the errors caused by Safari blocking 3rd party cookies by default. I have taken a few different runs at this, but about 90% of the way throu...
I have found that clicking the browser's Back button after a LTI 1.3 tool launch throws an error. The sequence looks like the following:
[ User clicks LTI tool link in the Modules area ]1. GET ht...
Thx for the reply! This means adding another configuration field to track the Canvas hostname for each customer, but I don't think that is too difficult. I will give it a try.
Hi all,
I am finalizing my LTI 1.3 tool implementation, and I am down to one remaining question. During development I hardcoded some Canvas URLs into my configuration:
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