
Community Member
Nov 22, 2015 10:08:26 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Using WordPress and built-in wp_remote_get function:     $get_webinars = wp_remote_get('https://myurl.instructure.com/api/v1/accounts/6/courses?per_page=100&include[]=syllabus_body...
Likes: 3
UPDATE:Was finally able to retrieve the next URL using the below code. Targeted the Link header and then specifically grabbed the URL between the "<>" characters. Thanks everyone for you...
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Accounts - Canvas LMS REST API Documentation I've been using the API endpoint: GET /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/courses?per_page=250For a while now to get all courses within a specific Canvas ...
Likes: 3
Hi Peter, put the request in my browser and looked at headers and I indeed see the links. So must be something with wp_remote_get. Thanks for getting me on the right track!
Likes: 2
Thanks Mu! James' comment will surely help me
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Hello,We have an external site connected to Canvas API. A large portion of our Canvas implementation is to create courses for past webinars. These courses simply have a video uploaded into an assignme...
Sep 03, 2020 15:57 PM
Perfect, thanks Peter!
Aug 30, 2018 17:09 PM
Using WordPress and built-in wp_remote_get function:     $get_webinars = wp_remote_get('https://myurl.instructure.com/api/v1/accounts/6/courses?per_page=100&include[]=syllabus_body...
Aug 30, 2018 15:25 PM
UPDATE:Was finally able to retrieve the next URL using the below code. Targeted the Link header and then specifically grabbed the URL between the "<>" characters. Thanks everyone for you...
Aug 30, 2018 12:43 PM
Hi Peter, put the request in my browser and looked at headers and I indeed see the links. So must be something with wp_remote_get. Thanks for getting me on the right track!
Aug 23, 2018 11:18 AM

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