Kerry Burner
Community Novice
Feb 14, 2017 10:25:53 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Being able to change assignment within speedgrader would be helpful – graders can move through the students for one assignment but in order to switch assignments, they have to go back to the gradebook...
Yes! This would make specification grading (https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2016/01/19/new-ways-grade-more-effectively-essay ) much more manageable and clear for both teacher and student.
To follow along with Kelsey's comment, ideally, there would be an option to identify which rubric(s) are tallied to create the final score. It would be even more helpful if weights could be assi...
Just did a training webinar yesterday and had to explain it was a quill...it's a leaf and it's not intuitive. I think the suggestion to have a consultant in HCI is a good one. Right now, Can...
Most Recent Posts
Being able to change assignment within speedgrader would be helpful – graders can move through the students for one assignment but in order to switch assignments, they have to go back to the gradebook...
Yes! This would make specification grading (https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2016/01/19/new-ways-grade-more-effectively-essay ) much more manageable and clear for both teacher and student.
To follow along with Kelsey's comment, ideally, there would be an option to identify which rubric(s) are tallied to create the final score. It would be even more helpful if weights could be assi...
Just did a training webinar yesterday and had to explain it was a quill...it's a leaf and it's not intuitive. I think the suggestion to have a consultant in HCI is a good one. Right now, Can...
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