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Jul 14, 2017 6:54:23 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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I thought I could use Studio Quizzes as an incentive to get my students to watch the instructional videos I wanted them to watch. To my horror, I found a student could zip through the videos and the ...
The incentive idea is nice, but a student could zip through the video not caring a wit about the correct answers because, after submission, the correct answers are posted (we can't prevent this) A...
Yes, please. I would also like to be able to type advanced math symbols into the "possible answer" boxes - not just into the stem of a multiple choice question.
This is very disappointing. I was so hoping that Studio quizzes would encourage my students to watch the videos I post, so I was quite generous in the points I was allowing for the embedded quiz ques...
Most Recent Posts
I thought I could use Studio Quizzes as an incentive to get my students to watch the instructional videos I wanted them to watch. To my horror, I found a student could zip through the videos and the ...
The incentive idea is nice, but a student could zip through the video not caring a wit about the correct answers because, after submission, the correct answers are posted (we can't prevent this) A...
Yes, please. I would also like to be able to type advanced math symbols into the "possible answer" boxes - not just into the stem of a multiple choice question.
This is very disappointing. I was so hoping that Studio quizzes would encourage my students to watch the videos I post, so I was quite generous in the points I was allowing for the embedded quiz ques...
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