
Community Participant
Mar 21, 2016 10:14:03 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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We have lots of courses with several sections. In Gradebook, our teachers would like to use the "message students who.." feature by Section. Currently, even when you filter by Section in the G...
Likes: 182
So after much hunting and testing I finally found that it was our onsite filtering software that was taking ages for certain requests to get through. Once we added a WhiteList of URLs to our filtering...
Likes: 6
Hi there,Having looked at the filtering options in the Analytics Beta it would be great to filter by Assignment Group and not just all Assignments.This would enable us to view analytics for just summa...
Likes: 6
So after 2 weeks of using this integration I'm stuck with this question:"Is it better to use the Class Teams we've set up in our MS Teams infrastructure or continue to use the Canvas Integ...
Likes: 4
Hi,I'm one of the Canvas sites on the Sydney Cluster of servers which have had a lot of up's/down's/go slows this year. One place I regularly look at for information about how things are g...
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Most Recent Posts

We're having the same issue and connected to the Rubric Redesign. Switch off "Enhanced Rubrics" and the "Next" button comes back. Doesn't seem connected to the Assignment Enhan...
Feb 18, 2025 22:29 PM
Hi, We've been using the Assignment Enhancements for some time and love it.  We also use TurnItIn LTI integration for most of our summative submissions for similarity report, but continue to use S...
Feb 18, 2025 22:01 PM
@rthornton  Just watched your APAC User Group video and the information about the rubric is great news! I'm working hard at our school to maintain the use of rubrics but some of the requiremen...
Mar 20, 2024 17:25 PM
It would be great if the "view Grades" page was able to be filtered by student in the same way as the main dashboard page.Currently, as the Beta shows the main dashboard displays a drop down f...
May 03, 2022 18:37 PM
Not sure if any other Canvas users found that the integration with Annotate Pro and Canvas broke over the last month. Attention Canvas Users! Having trouble (all of a sudden)? - 11trees But this is a ...
Jun 02, 2020 16:38 PM

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