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Jul 12, 2016 12:28:21 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Totally agree. It would be nice if it was just a default that when we displayed the totals it was a percentage and we could see total points possible. Right now, I just have to give the test student...
We need to be able to archive sandbox courses and utilize folders for courses. The list gets SO long and if you have ever had to create sandboxes for others, those are in your list too. I want to be...
I agree. The attendance feature is not helpful at all. Also, could we get an excused option, and automatic deductions?
Yes, at bare minimum, we need to be able to unmute by section, especially if we are running multiple sections out of the same course site. I have a situation now that one class meets MWF and the oth...
I would like to be able to have some sort of folder so I can put the like courses together, etc.
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Totally agree. It would be nice if it was just a default that when we displayed the totals it was a percentage and we could see total points possible. Right now, I just have to give the test student...
We need to be able to archive sandbox courses and utilize folders for courses. The list gets SO long and if you have ever had to create sandboxes for others, those are in your list too. I want to be...
I agree. The attendance feature is not helpful at all. Also, could we get an excused option, and automatic deductions?
I would like to be able to have some sort of folder so I can put the like courses together, etc.
Yes, at bare minimum, we need to be able to unmute by section, especially if we are running multiple sections out of the same course site. I have a situation now that one class meets MWF and the oth...
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