
Tejeev Patel
Community Novice
Aug 27, 2015 11:06:44 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Reasonable enough. I think it's worth noting that in the Uservoice tiered system, nothing promised even consideration by the dev team, even if there were half a million votes. It looked like the d...
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Thank you Scott.  It does make sense and this does seem to fit the sprints pretty well, but what if you got rid of the time limit on voting and had vote thresholds.  So if the item had 300 all time vo...
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Deborah, I'm not sure how this is more democratic than say the Uservoice system.. In fact, it's arguably less democratic.  I work in software in my day job and there are a number of systems li...
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... YEeeeeaaahhh.  Voting on features like this isn't something that I think should be in my "Need to do" list.  My day job is in software and I appreciate the difficulties of software dev...
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In case this request doesn't make, the work around I'm using is that Ill copy all the questions I might want to duplicate (maybe the whole test as I'm working on it) to a "Duplicator&#...
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Most Recent Posts

Reasonable enough. I think it's worth noting that in the Uservoice tiered system, nothing promised even consideration by the dev team, even if there were half a million votes. It looked like the d...
Feb 23, 2016 22:59 PM
Thank you Scott.  It does make sense and this does seem to fit the sprints pretty well, but what if you got rid of the time limit on voting and had vote thresholds.  So if the item had 300 all time vo...
Feb 21, 2016 12:15 PM
Deborah, I'm not sure how this is more democratic than say the Uservoice system.. In fact, it's arguably less democratic.  I work in software in my day job and there are a number of systems li...
Feb 21, 2016 12:07 PM
... YEeeeeaaahhh.  Voting on features like this isn't something that I think should be in my "Need to do" list.  My day job is in software and I appreciate the difficulties of software dev...
Feb 02, 2016 23:46 PM
In case this request doesn't make, the work around I'm using is that Ill copy all the questions I might want to duplicate (maybe the whole test as I'm working on it) to a "Duplicator&#...
Dec 13, 2015 16:02 PM

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