Cassandra Sannino
Community Participant
LMS Help Desk
Dec 10, 2020 8:55:45 AM
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Canvas URLs use one of the following structures: [your institution's name].instructure.com or canvas.[your institution's name].edu. However, Canvas Network and Free-For-Teacher accounts do not...
Students do not have the same view of the Assignments page as Instructors do. They do not see the Assignments group weight on the Assignments page, but they do see the subtotals when they review their...
Here is the guide on how to use the Roll Call Attendance Tool that is available in Canvas. Please note that your institution must enable the Attendance tool before it can be used in Canvas courses. Th...
The most common way to import quizzes is using the QTI format, not CSV. Several different types of software can be used to create QTI files. Please refer to the following guide for more information ab...
You can use the Feedback features of New Quizzes to leave notes about questions. With this method of Feedback, you are able to use the Rich Content Editor to add images, if needed. As long as you do n...
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Most likely, you will not be able to change the color to something other than what is offered if you remain in the Dark Theme. You can access the original colors if you change back to the Light Theme....
The change of color choices is most likely to only display colors that provide the correct contrast ratio for accessibility standards.
Hope this helps!
It would require some manual work, but you can create a question group for each question with different versions of the question using different variables. Then, you can set the quiz to randomize the ...
Canvas URLs use one of the following structures: [your institution's name].instructure.com or canvas.[your institution's name].edu. However, Canvas Network and Free-For-Teacher accounts do not...
If your playback issue occurs across multiple streaming platforms, the problem may be with your browser. Please clear your browser cache and cookies to see if that resolves the issue. You can also try...
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