Chantal O'Brien
Community Novice
Aug 29, 2015 4:20:20 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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As a teacher, I would like to be able to hide gradebook columns in my gradebook after I have completed grading or if the assignment has not yet been assigned. This would shorten the length of the gra...
Yes! This is definitely a feature that I would like to see. I have a biology lab and lecture that I teach. I have a single Canvas course for both together, so have been unable to keep track of lab ...
I have encountered this problem when drafting grade comments (as an instructor) or responding to grade comments as a student. I have navigated away from the draft comment to look again at the assignm...
I think that your idea could get at what I need. Ideally, I'd want flexibility (e.g., instead of the dropdown specifying 7 days, a box to type in the number of days).
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I think that your idea could get at what I need. Ideally, I'd want flexibility (e.g., instead of the dropdown specifying 7 days, a box to type in the number of days).
Yes! This is definitely a feature that I would like to see. I have a biology lab and lecture that I teach. I have a single Canvas course for both together, so have been unable to keep track of lab ...
I have encountered this problem when drafting grade comments (as an instructor) or responding to grade comments as a student. I have navigated away from the draft comment to look again at the assignm...
As a teacher, I would like to be able to hide gradebook columns in my gradebook after I have completed grading or if the assignment has not yet been assigned. This would shorten the length of the gra...
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