
Community Contributor
Oct 6, 2016 5:46:11 AM
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The University of Mount Union - Class of '14. Former Mathematics Teacher, currently teaching Technology/CS courses.

Most Liked Posts

I filed a support ticket with Canvas. They're aware of it and the fix is going live October 7!  Here's what they said:Hello, We've deployed a fix for this issue in our Beta environment. If...
Likes: 13
Thanks @grace_alexander!See How do idea conversations work in the Canvas Community?  under "How do I rate a conversation?" (You click the star rating at the top of the page 🙂)
Likes: 0
I agree that students should easily be able to compare the feedback with their submission without switching between views/tabs.I recently submitted a related idea from the teacher's perspective in...
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As part of my grading process I will often leave students feedback in Canvas and expect them to use that feedback to improve and resubmit their work. Previously, I used to be able to easily see my ent...
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@vrichter - that sounds like a really clever workaround actually. I think it might work! @em123 @scott_wahl I feel like it's hard to find things without the nested replies that the Com...
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Most Recent Posts

Thanks @grace_alexander!See How do idea conversations work in the Canvas Community?  under "How do I rate a conversation?" (You click the star rating at the top of the page 🙂)
Nov 18, 2020 09:03 AM
I agree that students should easily be able to compare the feedback with their submission without switching between views/tabs.I recently submitted a related idea from the teacher's perspective in...
Nov 18, 2020 08:10 AM
As part of my grading process I will often leave students feedback in Canvas and expect them to use that feedback to improve and resubmit their work. Previously, I used to be able to easily see my ent...
Nov 17, 2020 07:37 AM
@vrichter - that sounds like a really clever workaround actually. I think it might work! @em123 @scott_wahl I feel like it's hard to find things without the nested replies that the Com...
Oct 13, 2020 11:12 AM
Hi @RandyCS - The individual calendars will be created based on the names you specify no matter what. If no events are showing up, my first guess is that there's a mismatch with the course nam...
Sep 08, 2020 07:18 AM

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