
Lynn Mann
Community Novice
May 9, 2017 11:46:48 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

Dear Canvas,I really don't understand the priorities of the development team. This topic has been in play for over 5 years. It has a score of 2250. It is needed! And yet the development team is sp...
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Erin,Sharing the process without sharing which phase this idea is in, well, is frustrating and patronizing. Perhaps that's not how you meant to convene it but it's not how I interpreted your r...
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YES, This is a great idea on how to manage the dual due date for grading! Thank you Susan.
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Most Recent Posts

Dear Canvas,I really don't understand the priorities of the development team. This topic has been in play for over 5 years. It has a score of 2250. It is needed! And yet the development team is sp...
Jun 05, 2020 16:39 PM
Erin,Sharing the process without sharing which phase this idea is in, well, is frustrating and patronizing. Perhaps that's not how you meant to convene it but it's not how I interpreted your r...
Jul 19, 2019 16:15 PM
YES, This is a great idea on how to manage the dual due date for grading! Thank you Susan.
Sep 06, 2018 23:56 PM

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