
Janell Amely
Community Champion
Dec 5, 2015 10:45:23 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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To add on to this, kbeimfohr​, this has to do with creating an embedded twitter feed from Twitter. If someone else wanted to do this, go to https://twitter.com/settings/widgets, Create New, make sure ...
Likes: 9
I also could fall into the role of "Canvas Evangelist" 😜 I keep trying to push my fellow grad students to use it to do Instructional Design projects in. What other system allows you to...
Likes: 8
In researching about InstructureCon, I found these two links from last year really helpful:NAV: HOME (instcon15) InstructureCon 2015 Public Postmortem What you take away will highly depend on what you...
Likes: 8
That is really awesome! The "Canvas Learning Center" is behind a password lock, but everything else is accessible. It is neat to see the many possibilities to arrange Canvas to the Instructors...
Likes: 6
One way to approach this is to change your Grading Scheme for the course (I think that is different than "Grading scheme for assignment that you refer to). You can remove all of those separate gra...
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Most Recent Posts

That is really awesome! The "Canvas Learning Center" is behind a password lock, but everything else is accessible. It is neat to see the many possibilities to arrange Canvas to the Instructors...
Jun 22, 2016 10:41 AM
This would be incredibly useful, as would be the actual link for upvoting 😜 " modifiedtitle="true" title="Selecting Multiple Objects to Manipulate​. This seems like a d...
Jun 21, 2016 08:27 AM
This is really cool to see another way to do grading with a game-based learning approach! Have you used this in a class? My instinct is to think that the student probably can't see the ---/1000 gr...
Jun 20, 2016 15:44 PM
Without looking at the code (and even then) I can't guess what happened. Do the links still work, just not the images? Just gotta love those annoying bugs;p (smoouusch)!
Apr 28, 2016 12:58 PM
It looks like all of your button image links are broken. Did you save the button image files into your Canvas file for this holder course and then link from those images? Or did you happen to use the ...
Apr 25, 2016 08:56 AM

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